Welcome to SURF

and our currently-under-construction home page.

To find out what SURF is, please read Information for Caltech Students. If you are a student from another university, please read Information for Non-Caltech Students (you may also want to learn more about Caltech). All students should read Guidelines for SURF Proposals.

Announcements of Opportunity for SURF projects are organized by Division: As some projects are interdisciplinary, you might want to check more than one listing.

There are also opportunities at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as well as Small Business Industrial Associates SURFs which are in industry (and limited to Caltech students only). Up to seven SURF students will create and develop engineering projects for high school science courses in the Young Engineering and Science Scholars Project.

The Perpall SURF Speaking AwardFinals were held on Wednesday, January 10. The results are:
First Place - Jeremy Darling
Second Place - Samson Timoner
Third Place - Jane Brock

Honorable Mention:
Becky Blankenburg
Steven Chase
David Cuthbert
Heidi Eldenberg
Sebastian Maurer
Gina Serraiocco