The Town of Aldersford

Aldersford lies to the north and west of Drakenwood, little more than a few hours travel. It is a relatively small town, ruled by Mayor Thomas the Second, and has been generally unplagued by the humanoid incursions so prevelent elsewhere.

Its folk are generally foresters rather than farmers, as it nestles within the western fringe of Drakenwood Forest, a few leagues from the beginnings of the foothills of the Withered Peaks, and thus tilling land is hard to come by. Elves, Rangers and similar forest dwellers are rather more in evidence in Aldersford than is normal in most human towns, and in fact the owner of the local pub has some Elven blood in him.

The towns name derives from the fact that it straddles the river Alder, which flows down from the north, cutting its way through the forest. Although a bridge has now been built to span it where it meets the Great Western Highway, for many years Aldersford was the only fordable point for many leagues in each direction. Trade from the north thus used to pass through Aldersford with regularity, and it is from this that the towns prosperity grew. To this day it remains a vital stopping point for traders and adventurers heading north to Miathorn and beyond.

Due to the towns rather 'front line' position with regard to the problems currently plaguing the northern reaches of the Realms, the Fighters Guild has of late relocated its base of operations to just outside the town, with a pledge to defend it if need be. In return, the towns armourer has closed up shop and gone to work full time for the Guild.

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